Past Graduates




Student of Lisa Freedlund

I've been taking piano lessons at Reed for 10 years with Lisa Freedlund. She's been an amazing teacher who has been nothing but supportive and helped me with a wide variety of musical styles and techniques. The opportunities through Reed to audition and perform at a variety of concerts and competitions has been a great learning experience as well. After high school, I plan on serving a mission for my church, and then I'll attend Southern Virginia University and I plan on majoring in Psychology. Taking piano lessons has helped me foster a passion for music which has enriched my life and that I will use for the rest of my life.


Student of Alex Burch

Lacy is West Salem Senior that has participated in theater, musicals, and show choir all of her high school years. She started taking voice lessons as a freshman from Audra House and continued taking lessons through out the pandemic virtually with her. Audra and Lacy grew closer even if they were not singing in the same room. She continued with her vocal instruction with Alexandra Burch, who happened to be her old babysitter. She continued to teach Lacy poise and classic instruction that she will hold on to forever. Lacy is going to attend UW Stevens Point in the fall.



Student of Rita Schuman

I have taken piano lessons at Reed Music Studios since 6th grade. I’ll be honest, I was very against it at the start. But my teacher, Mrs. Rita, helped me find music that I enjoyed playing as well as turning the lessons in to something that would help me in other aspects of my music life. For example, instead of preparing for recitals, I learned how to sight-read music easier and pick up on rhythms faster. This especially helped me when it came to my choir, band, and theater music. On top of all that, I am able to play piano for my own enjoyment. 


Student Judy Stafslien, piano, and Randy Mastin, cello

Throughout my time at Reed Studio, I've been able to challenge myself in ways I would have never thought possible. I am admittedly someone with a lot of stage fright; however, I was able to overcome some of this fear and perform solos for both cello and piano, and even perform in the honors recital. My teachers at Reed have instilled in me the confidence that I am a competent player who is capable of playing music, in all regards. I've gone from never wanting to perform in front of another living person to seeking to at least challenge myself to perform a solo and actively being excited about performing. I couldn't have done this without the unrelenting support from my teachers who have motivated me to continue to achieve, yet who have also let me decide what I feel comfortable doing. I plan to continue playing music in one of UW-Madison's orchestras alongside my studies. My time at the studio has made me realize how important playing music is to me, and I hope that I am able to keep music in my future.



Student of Randy Lyden

I have been taking piano lessons at Reed Studios for the last 6 years. Mr. Lyden is an excellent teacher. Each year brought new and exciting challenges that help me become a better musician. I am very grateful for my time at Reed Studios. Next year, I will be attending UW-La Crosse to continue my education. 


Student of Francis De la Rosa

I’m Delaney Christianson, and I have been taking violin lessons at REED Music Studios for 8 years under instruction from Francis. Francis has been super fun to work with and has helped me to develop a greater love for music. Overall, I have greatly enjoyed taking lessons at REEDs, for it has a great welcoming environment and compassionate instructors. After graduating from West Salem High School, I will be attending Viterbo University this coming fall. 



Student of Judy Stafslien

My name is Abi Koch and I will be graduating from West Salem High School this spring. Being a student at Reed has allowed my passion for music to grow. I have been taking lessons since 2009 and I am so grateful for that experience. Being able to perform in recitals and other events gave me the chance to share my passion with others. I have also learned many valuable life skills studying music that I would not have learned otherwise. One of the most important skills I gained was self-motivation. As a musician, I spend a majority of my time practicing - finding the motivation to continue when it gets tough is a skill that I have gained from my experience in piano. In the end, all of the practice time is worth it because of the amazing final product that is shared on stage. Next year I will be attending Belmont University to major in Music Business with an emphasis on Legal Studies. 


Student of Marianne Buchanan

Attending lessons at Peed Studios has given me the opportunity to grow as a musician. The weekly feedback! received over the years has helped improve , playing. I — learned to project , sound out and refine several techniques. It has been a wonderful experience learning one on one with an excellent violinist. I look forward to using all I have learned in the future. 



Student of David Reedy

When I first started playing piano I never expected to fall in love with it as deeply as I have. From listening to the melodious music my mother would play floating through the house, to my first lesson with a college kid in a tiny studio, to my first lesson with David Reedy at Reed Studios. When I play the piano I’m sucked in, focused on the tune leading me up and down, fast and slow, intense and relaxing. As I go into my last summer getting lessons, I pray I don’t lose my forward momentum. The past year of playing has been the most fun, getting to play pieces from well-known composers, and learning techniques I never imagined I could master. This fall I will be attending culinary school in Seattle, and one day open my own restaurant if that is what God has planned for me. In the meantime, I work on my skills at home and at work, and play piano like there’s no tomorrow. Thank you to David Reedy, for being the best piano teacher I’ve ever had (and anyone could have) and giving me such amazing opportunities. I couldn’t be where I am now without him. 

The following students were also 2022 graduating seniors!


violin students of

Francis De la Rosa


cello student of Randy Mastin


student of Carrie Pomplun


Alia Ebbert

Amber Nguyen

Since starting in kindergarten, piano lessons have always been a constant for me. Lisa taught me to play all genres of music and made a well rounded pianist. She has been nothing but kind and encouraging each step of the way and I will miss her when I leave in the fall. I loved coming for lessons each week if I could do it all over again, I definitely would. I had fun at each lesson and got to know myself better through different pieces of music! Next year, I will be attending UW-madison as a biochemistry major. 

Olivia Belland

Lessons at the studio were always very productive and efficient. The teachers were always welcoming and very appreciative of everyone’s talents. Judy always had a positive mind and helped with a calm teaching attitude. Next year, I’ll be attending St. Thomas to study biology! Thanks for all the time REED has dedicated to me!

Alia Ebbert
Alia Ebbert

Vikram Ailiani

I started taking piano lessons with Rita just before kindergarten, and it has been a blast. Each year brought new and exciting challenges that helped me grow as a musician. Because of Rita’s guidance and enthusiasm, music has become an important part of who I am. 14 years of playing and performing piano is an experience I’m extremely grateful to have had, and I would recommend it to anyone.

Daniel Del-Carpio

I have been taking piano lessons at REED Music Studios for 11 years. During these 11 years, I was able to develop a passion for piano that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I was able to showcase my talents in many of the concerts organized by REED and participate in many state competitions. None of this would have been possible without my piano teacher, Judy Stafslien. The amount of patience and dedication given to me during each of my lessons from week to week is something that has allowed me to develop into the piano player I am today.

My future plans include attending UW-Madison and majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I also plan on attending music programs for piano at UW-Madison.

Alia Ebbert
Alia Ebbert

Marie Pribbernow

Taking lessons at Reeds really helped me pursue the challenges of music at my individual pace. I originally joined the very welcoming studio when my school music classes were becoming too easy and were losing the fun, learning value. Picking up another instrument was one of my best decisions, it solidified my love of music and constantly gave me something to work towards. 

I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Mrs.Carrie Pomplun. She always brightened my day and had an exceptional balance of professionalism and fun in our lessons. I'd truly recommend her and the Reed Music Studio to anyone in a heartbeat.

I will be going to Millikin University and majoring in music business. Millikin is a strongly music based school and I also plan to join one of the instrumental &/or choir groups. 

Caitlin Heineman

I'm Caitlin Heineman and I've been playing piano for 10 years. Of those 10 years, 5 were spent at Reed Studio's under Lisa Freedlund. Being apart of the studio has not only improved my playing ability, but my overall appreciation for music. I will be attending the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities in the fall of 2021, studying music education in order to become a piano teacher.

Alia Ebbert
Alia Ebbert

Victor Spaeth

I have been taking lessons at Reed Music Studios since I was 5 years old and have enjoyed every minute of it. My two amazing teachers, David Reedy and Francis de la Rosa, have taught me so much over the years and I am forever grateful to them for encouraging and nurturing my love for music. My progress in both piano and violin will always be one of my proudest accomplishments and I will never forget the many memories I've made in the last 13 years here. Although it means saying goodbye to the Studio after so long, I am excited to attend the University of North Dakota to pursue a career in commercial aviation this fall. 


Tracy Zhou

I started taking piano in first grade, but starting lessons with David Reedy in sixth grade raised my playing to a new level. David taught me solid foundations in technical skills before introducing me to a wide variety of pieces to explore. He challenged me to play more musically, which led me to really appreciate what I played. Now when I leave for college, I will have all the tools to continue playing piano for enjoyment of the music. 
Tracy Zhou
Emily FIsher

Emily Fisher

I started playing piano in first grade with my teacher Mrs. Schuman. Having piano lessons with Mrs. Schuman has given me a love for music. In middle school I wanted to learn the bassoon and saxophone, and my piano lessons helped me learn the instruments faster. Now that I am a senior I have participated in many instrumental competitions and honor ensembles. In college I hope to become an instrumental educator and be able to teach other students the power that music has. While learning at Reed Music Studio I have had the opportunity to learn life skills that are essential for my future and I am very grateful for the teachers at the studio.

Alia Ebbert

Alia is a senior at Onalaska High School. She has been involved in numerous recitals and events at Reed Music Studios, including the Honors Recital and WMTA. Alia currently takes piano from Lisa Freedlund and took violin from Francis de la Rosa for many years. She is involved in a treble barbershop quartet that placed 5th in a national youth barbershop competition. She has enjoyed her time at Reed Music Studios very much and is grateful for the opportunity she's had to take from wonderful teachers who have impacted her life for the better. 
Alia Ebbert
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