For more studio performances, visit our YouTube channel:
Students of Lisa Freedlund: May 2021
Students of Judy Stafslien: May 2021
Students of Amy Stellick: May 2021
Teachers Group Recital: May 2021
Students of David Reedy: March 2021
Students of Rita Schuman: March 2021
The following students participated in local, virtual music events in 2021:
Students that qualified for the state level of each event will have ( * ) after their name.
WSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival:
Reagan Roesler *, Caitlin Heineman *, Zach Holthaus,
Vikram Ailiani *, Brookelyn Hohl *, Lewis Go *,
Elizabeth Matz, Ava Belland, Olivia Belland *, Caroline Clark *,
Daniel Del-Carpio *, Bridget Kearns, Abi Koch *, Amina Rabindra,
Matthew Rabindra, Snigdha Rajamanuri, Kjerstin Cosby *, Matias Dahl *, Lucas Go *, Suzanne Gorman *, Thomas Gorman , Maddisen Larsen *,
Sam Renkas, Allie Schlicht *, Victor Spaeth *, Carter Thiele , Jacob Bruns *, Nathan Olson*, Elise Tomashek, Elizabeth Fisk, Jeremiah Jefferson,
Grace Johns *, Emma McAndrews*, Nora Erickson,
Juliene McDonald, Cassidy Burrill.
WMTA District Auditions:
Lynley Dunn, Laney Brandl, Lawson Ebbert *, Andrew Lowman,
Spencer Lowman, Amber Nguyen, Ashley Tao *, Jonathan Uko,
Isabel Wang *, Sheryl Wang, Benji Zimmer, Mason Zimmer,
Vikram Ailiani *, Matias Del-Carpio, Juliana Dunn, Harper Rowling,
Lilly Stewart *, Krishna Ailiani, Caroline Clark *, Daniel Del-Carpio *.
Looking to make a payment to Reed Music Studios via PayPal or Venmo?
(608) 783-6382
1285 Rudy Street, Suite 102
Onalaska, WI 54650